Granites, Marble and Cantarias.

Planeamento personalizado e aconselhamento técnico.

Buildings for life and after.

Experiência e profissionalismo.

Soluções adaptadas às necessidades de cada cliente.

Realizamos pequenos e grandes projetos


Who we are

Founded in 1977, Costa & Irmão, Lda. ® is a company located in Porto Rego - Pampilhosa - Mealhada, aiming to provide its customers with the best in Marbles, Granites and similar. For this, it works with a wide range of National and Foreign Ornamental Stones.

To know better

Production and Services

In addition to the quality of the materials and the highest standard of finishes, it is equipped with high technology for the maintenance and treatment of the stone, thus obtaining the best results with perfection and effectiveness.

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Projects in the area of masonry, civil construction, granite and marble.

projects carried out

Are you looking for a quality service at a good price for your next project?

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The numbers speak for themselves







Páscoa 2020

A Costa & Irmão, Lda.® deseja a todos uma Santa e Feliz Páscoa. Gratos pela preferência.

Boas Festas 2019

A Costa & Irmão, Lda.® deseja a todos um Feliz Natal e Próspero Ano Novo. Gratos pela preferência.


Dear customers and suppliers, Costa & Irmão, Lda. Will be closed on 1/11/2018 and 11/2/2018. We will resume our services on Monday, 11/11/2018. Thank you for your preference.

The day of All Saints is approaching. Have you placed your order? We have a wide variety of items for the occasion. Visit us.?️⚱️✨⛪


The brita Costa & Irmão, Lda. Is already in production, today all our waste is transformed into inert to use in the Civil Construction ... because preserving the environment is also our responsibility.

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